MY COMPANION - Easily Accessible Furniture
Does your nightstand hold everything you need next to your bed and chair? Like everything in this picture?
"My Companion" Easily accessible furniture holds everything and reduces falls!
What a difference!
Now everything is within reach from bed and chair!
Features a velcro patch to hold TV remote; a magazine rack; adjustable washable shelves: book shelf; water glass space; tissue box holder; hearing aid & eye glass shelf; fixed top for lamp & phone; etc.
"My Companion" holds it all! The Carousel revolves and everything is at one's finger tips. No more carrying things from the bed to the chair. Features a fixed top and revolving carousel!
The two drawer Bedside Companion shown here in "Keepsakes" Traditional style
The one drawer Chair-side Companion shown here in "Del Mar" Contemporary style
"A place for everything and everything in it's place"